Is Your Resume Holding You Back? Find Out with These Key Indicators
The days of filling out application forms at job fairs, scouring local newspapers for job listings, and applying with a physical resume are long gone. Advancements in technology have paved way to free, unrestricted, and limitless access to thousands upon thousands of job listings via button clicks and cursor movements.
While it is now definitely easier to find job listings posted online, it also means that more and more people have access to the same bits of information that are made available to you. And so, the saturation of the number of people looking at the same employment opportunities as you do only gets heavier. As a result, companies get stricter and the competition tougher, which means you have to stand out among the sea of applicants. And so, you ask yourself, “How exactly am I going to do just that?”
Why don’t we start with the requisite to every successful career—your professional resume.
Simply put, if you want to land a nice job, your resume is your bait. Think of it as your online social networking profile, or as your sales pitch. Your resume is a selling tool for which the product you endorse is, well, you. It has to scream out ‘I am worth your time’ and ‘hire me.’ If your resume is uninteresting and drab, chances are it will get placed in the ‘maybe’ pile and be forgotten in about five seconds.
You may be skeptical about the idea of letting someone write your professional resume for you but hear me out. There are plenty of reasons why getting a third party involved with your employment search may be a good idea.
Times have changed
If it has been a while since your last job search, you may be surprised to know that things may not be the same as it was five or so years ago. As recruitment practices continue to develop, professional resume writing rules evolve too. From new formats and layouts to the need to use keywords, there are many things to take note of when you are trying to update your resume. With just a few clicks, experts can view and review your resume to make sure it can stand out from the rest. And did we mention that it’s free?
Or you have changed
As time goes by, you may find yourself wanting more than what your current job can offer. Maybe your goals have changed, or you just want to climb higher than your current position, something you are now suddenly passionate about, or perhaps something that you know can challenge you. This also works if you want to switch lanes or take a major leap of faith into a different industry than what you’re used to.If you have evolved, then so should your resume.
Is there a proper format?
If you’re submitting your resumes online, it will most likely be screened through an electronic filter known as an applicant tracking system. The ATS scans your resume before the hiring manager gets to see it. So, if your resume isn’t ‘interesting’ enough for an electronic filter, chances are it wouldn’t be good enough for the hiring manager, too.
How do I decide which information stays or goes?
Often, updating your resume requires a lot of time and thinking on your part. Whether you are unsure which skills you should add or remove, or which of your achievements would still be relevant in today’s modern standards. You may proceed to ask yourself, “Does my resume’s objective statement still uphold my ideals? How far back should my employment history go? Can I include seminars or volunteer work that I have done, even though they have nothing to do with the job I am currently applying for? These questions are serious things to be considered because you want your resume to stand out, to be noteworthy, and be something that will immediately catch the employer’s attention.
Maybe you’re not a very good writer
You may be a professional when it comes to what you do best, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you know how to sell yourself well. More often than not, employers tend to look for specific details and information when assessing prospective employees. And sometimes it’s best to just do what you’re good at doing and leave the resume writing to the professionals. You may find that other people can sell you better than you sell yourself.
Are your goals and your resume in sync?
If you’re not landing as many interviews and offers as you’d like, it’s likely that your resume is the problem. Your resume is supposed to showcase your skills on paper, not be a reason for employers to send you rejection letters. If you’re having this problem, then it wouldn’t hurt to get your resume checked by a professional.
It’s hard to evaluate ourselves sometimes
Some people know their strengths and use those strengths to their advantage. Others, on the other hand, may have a more difficult time trying to evaluate which of these traits are marketable to hiring managers. If you haven’t got a clue about what qualities you can humblebrag about, then you may need a third party to do it for you.
Perhaps you’ve been struggling to find employment or steady work in your field for the past few years. Or maybe your resume has some gaps or areas you need to refurbish. It would be a mistake to resume is ‘good enough,’ unless you have firsthand knowledge of the inner workings of the employment process. There is always room for improvement and, getting help from professional resume writers, or having your resume evaluated is definitely a big step in the right direction when it comes to employment.