Getting Over Getting Fired

Getting fired can be a debilitating experience for anyone, even more so for those who believe that they've put in all the time, effort, and energy necessary to stay employed. Especially if you liked the job, getting fired can feel like breaking up with a person you really care for. It can drain the life out of you and sap your ability to cope. Here is how to keep your sanity and move forward. 

01 May 2024 | 10 min read
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Getting Over Getting Fired

What you have to accept is that getting fired can happen to anyone, especially in the current job market when AI is taking over, and technological progress and political upheaval are costing thousands of people their jobs. Failures will happen in life, but it's not going to be the end of the world. You need to find a way to overcome your negative feelings, or else they'll get the best of you. Granted, it can be hard to do this alone with your willpower depleted, but with the proper guidance, you'll soon be able to face life's challenges again with your head held high. Let these tips help you get back in the rat race. Here are seven steps to rebuild your confidence after getting fired. 

1. Feel the Pain

You need to let yourself grieve. Feel the loss. Feel the hurt. Feel the resentment. You're losing something important to you, and that can be a lot to take in, but it's important that you process each emotion as you feel it. Cry if you must. Let it all out. By allowing yourself to feel, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your feelings and maybe even get to the source of your pain. Only then can the work of healing begin. Here are the dos and don'ts on what to do in this case: 

  • Check Icon Write it out – Journaling your emotions can help you process what you're feeling. Putting thoughts on paper allows you to release the pain and gain clarity on what’s really bothering you.
  • Check Icon Talk to someone you trust – Whether it’s a close friend, family member, or therapist, sharing your emotions can lighten the burden and help you feel supported.
  • Check Icon Engage in self-care – Take care of yourself physically and emotionally. Exercise, get enough sleep, eat well, and find activities that bring you comfort, whether it’s reading, meditating, or going for a walk.
  • Cross Icon Suppress your emotions – Bottling up your feelings will only make things worse in the long run. Ignoring pain doesn’t make it disappear—it just delays the healing process.
  • Cross Icon Blame yourself excessively – It’s natural to reflect, but don’t fall into the trap of self-blame. Dwelling on “what ifs” will keep you stuck instead of moving forward.
  • Cross IconIsolate yourself – While alone time can help with processing emotions, shutting out friends and family completely can make you feel even worse. Stay connected to those who support you.

2. Accept Your Situation

Very few things in life are fully under your control. Fate, causality, divine intervention-whatever you want to call it, life has a way of blindsiding you when you least expect it. Things happen, and even the best people for the job get fired for many different reasons. Accept your circumstances, take it as a learning experience, and do your best to ensure it doesn't happen again. Let us outline the five steps to take to reach the acceptance stage: 

✅ Acknowledge your feelings – It’s okay to feel upset, angry, or lost. But don’t let these emotions define you. Give yourself time to process the loss before focusing on your next steps.

✅ Shift your perspective – Instead of seeing termination as a failure, view it as a redirection. Many professionals have bounced back stronger, often landing better opportunities in the process.

✅ Assess and learn – Reflect on what happened and identify any lessons that can help you grow. Were there skills you could improve? Was it a mismatch in company culture? Or was this completely out of your control? Taking responsibility (without self-blame) can help you move forward more confidently. Alternatively, realizing that this was something you could not control will help you move on faster. 

✅ Update your resume – If you're worried about how to address career gaps on a resume, focus on highlighting your accomplishments and skills rather than the gap itself. You can also use a combination resume format to emphasize your strengths.

✅ Seek professional guidance – According to the best resume writing services, career coaches and resume experts can help you craft a strong job application, ensuring you present yourself in the best possible light for your next opportunity.

3. Distract Yourself

Once you're done with the negative, it's time to focus on the positive. Think of it this way - losing that 9-to-5 opens up your schedule completely. Now you can go back to some of the activities you've always loved but let fall to the wayside because you had a job. Make time for hobbies, passions, volunteering, and other activities you enjoy. If you didn't have a hobby before, now would be a great time to start one. Turn your job loss into an opportunity to improve yourself. Who knows, what you learn during your time off could prove valuable when you start looking for a new job. Now is also the perfect time to start thinking about your future job search. Most recruiters and coaches recommend a particular approach. Do not wake up one day to send out hundreds of resumes and spend the next two days lying in bed watching Netflix. Instead, structure your day and approach your job search like you would any other project: 

Set a daily schedule – Treat your job search like a job itself. Dedicate specific hours each day to updating your resume, networking, and applying for positions.

Refresh your resume and LinkedIn – Highlight recent achievements and ensure your profile is optimized with relevant keywords. A strong online presence increases your chances of being noticed by recruiters.

Network – Reach out to former colleagues, attend industry events, and engage on LinkedIn. Many job opportunities come from connections rather than job boards.

Upskill – Consider taking an online course, earning a certification, or attending workshops. This not only fills the employment gap but also makes you a stronger candidate.

Apply strategically – Don’t mass-send resumes to every job you find. Tailor your applications to positions that align with your skills and career goals, increasing your chances of landing meaningful opportunities.

4. Figure Out What Went Wrong

If your job termination was related to your performance, then you have to work on some aspects of yourself. The keyword here is self-improvement. Are you aware of the areas of the job where you felt short of your employer's expectations? Even if they didn't tell you outright during the exit interview why they fired you, you can still find out the possible reasons in your own way. Start by reviewing your performance evaluations. Ask former colleagues to be candid about why they think you were fired. If you decide to ask, listen. Try not to argue, contradict, or debate their point. Identify all your possible shortcomings and work on overcoming them. Although it can be difficult, this is something you need to do. You don't want to take those negative traits with you on your next life venture, whatever it may be. If your termination was out of your control (i.e., pandemic, AI, massive layoffs, or losing your federal position) - breathe out, take a few weeks to recover, and go back to job search. Here are the top four mistakes we recommend avoiding at this stage: 

❌ Blaming others – While external factors may have contributed to your termination, avoiding all responsibility prevents growth. Take an honest look at what you could have done differently.

❌ Ignoring feedback – Dismissing constructive criticism from past employers or colleagues can keep you from recognizing patterns that may affect your future roles. Listen carefully and use it as an opportunity for improvement.

❌ Carrying resentment into your job search – Bitterness can seep into your interviews and networking efforts, making it harder to land a new role. Stay professional and focus on what you learned from the experience.

❌ Jumping into a new job without reflection – Rushing into a new role without assessing what went wrong in your last position might lead to repeating the same mistakes. Take time to evaluate what kind of work environment suits you best

5. Work on Your Personal Brand

Speaking of looking for a new job, you need to ensure your online presence is optimized and updated for the recruiters, HR managers, and employers who'll be checking you out after they go over your resume/CV/application. With 70% of recruiters admitting to reviewing an applicant's social media pages and almost 60% rejecting a potential candidate due to red flags, it's in your best interest to delete any post, share, or like that potentially sends the wrong message about you. As a rule of thumb, delete any information about yourself that you would not be happy for your future employer to find out. Likewise, update your website, social media channels, and other online portfolios to showcase your latest awards, achievements, and accomplishments. This can help boost your confidence as you look forward and plot to your next life chapter.

6. Don't Let Your Job Loss Define You

Even if you're not a spiritual person, you can still find meaning in getting fired. Perhaps something was not working out between you and the company, and you'll be a better fit for some other job. Or maybe your employer could no longer afford you because the business is going under. Whatever the case may be, it's in your best interest to stay positive and look at the brighter side of your situation. Take it as an opportunity to start a new life. Choose another job, volunteer for a nonprofit, or maybe go back to school. Better yet, you can start your own business with everything you've learned. List down the things you could possibly do, and believe that you can bounce back from your dire predicament. Let your list be limitless.

7. Do Not Burn Bridges

Write your former boss a thank you letter and mean it. Stay in touch with your ex-colleagues. Be nice during an exit interview. Try to understand that neither the HR manager nor, most likely, your line manager enjoyed firing you. Move past the negativity. Thank your former manager and the company for the opportunity to work there. Don't burn any bridges. You can never tell when you'll need their help in the future, and your actions could come back to haunt you. Ultimately, a thank you letter will serve you better than any bridge-burning activity that may be brewing in your mind. Here is how to accomplish this elegantly: 

1️⃣ Write a professional and gracious goodbye letter – Keep it short and sincere. Thank your team for the opportunities, experience, and skills you gained during your time at the company.

2️⃣ Stay professional in the exit interview – Even if you're upset, resist the urge to vent frustration. Instead, express gratitude and give constructive feedback if asked, but keep it diplomatic.

3️⃣ Keep in touch with former colleagues – Connect with them on LinkedIn, exchange contact information, and show genuine interest in their careers. Your network is valuable for future opportunities.

4️⃣ Don’t badmouth the company – Avoid speaking negatively about your past employer in interviews, social media, or casual conversations. Word travels fast, and negativity can damage your reputation.

5️⃣ Offer a smooth transition if possible – If given the opportunity, document your responsibilities or train a replacement before leaving. This leaves a lasting impression of professionalism and goodwill.

Job loss is personal because what you do is a big part of who you are. That's why getting fired hurts. Getting over those negative feelings requires honesty, courage, and openness. The hurt may leave a mark, but by facing it instead of ignoring it, the pain will start to sting less and less, and you'll be a better, more resilient person for it. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, after all - it may feel like a setback, but it can also be an opportunity to rebuild with clarity and confidence.

If you're struggling to move forward, Resumeble can help you craft a strong resume that highlights your strengths and future potential. And if financial concerns are holding you back, don't hesitate to reach out - we’d be happy to assist for free, ensuring you have the support you need to land your next opportunity.