In today's day and age, when equality is at the forefront of every employer's mind, one would think that opportunities are now equal among the sexes. Some might even beg to differ that women have it better. Case in point- a study showed that there are more American women employed than American men. Besides, wives earn more than their husbands, according to the same source.
And yet even with these significant milestones, women continue to encounter obstacles when it comes to advancing in the workplace. Some of the common challenges that women face in their career include issues concerning leadership, sexual harassment, maternity leaves, and the seemingly unbreakable glass ceiling-all of which can push a woman off to the point that she will throw her hands up in surrender.
As a modern woman who considers your job the number one stressor in your life, it's essential for you to learn resilience skills and incorporate them into your work life. When you become resilient, you take ownership of your life and surroundings. You become unstoppable. Even when things don't go your way, you remain in charge.
So how does a woman build resilience in the modern work environment? Here's how to do it.
Key Techniques for Strengthening Workplace Resilience
Be mindful
In a busy office environment, the mind is constantly bombarded with stimuli, all of which need time to be adequately processed. With thoughts and emotions being constantly pulled from pillar to post, you're left feeling stressed, anxious, and possibly very high-strung. Many large companies are increasingly endorsing their employees to take the time to perform mental training practices associated with mindfulness. Unfortunately, very few have that luxury.
If you're like most people, you can't even enjoy five minutes to relax-let alone 30 minutes or more to meditate. Still, there are simple mindfulness exercises that you can do as you work through the day, such as:
- Breathing slowly.
- Focusing on nature for a minute or two.
- Taking time to appreciate the everyday things you take for granted.
These exercises can help you achieve some much-needed tranquility as you go about your hectic day.
Be More Compassionate
Compassion is one of the most overlooked areas in the development of resilience, and that's a huge mistake because the two go hand in hand. Many successful companies have placed their attention on creating a culture of compassion in the workplace because it has been proven to boost morale, productivity, and ultimately, profits.
Compassion is the authentic desire to help others as well as yourself. Having compassion elicits a positive emotional response from others, so by treating yourself and others compassionately, you and your peers can come together in a contributory manner. The result is positive work relationships, increased cooperation, and better opportunities for collaboration.
When people support each other, there is less fear of failure, which can help raise the team to greater heights as a whole. To practice better compassion at work, try:
- Offering guidance to a co-worker struggling in a task where you know you can help.
- Take the time to get your colleagues more deeply.
- Be an example of a compassionate person.
People never forget that you treat them with compassion, which gives you the ability to inspire others.
Do you spend your evenings thinking about what you did during the work day and what you need to do the next? If you do, then you never really experience a break from work. Compartmentalization can help you set an all-important boundary between work life and personal life. If you don't learn how to compartmentalize today, you could be facing bigger worries in the future, because you'll only get more anxious and distressed over time, which could eventually lead to burnout, resentment, and even poor health.
For more efficient compartmentalization, try these tips:
- Rather than thinking how to unwind after going off work, begin processing your workday instead.
- Plan your work activities for tomorrow.
- Complete these tasks before you arrive home. Hopefully, your commute gives you enough time to do so. If not, go someplace where you can.
Let the process of compartmentalization begin the moment you leave the office, and not later when you should be spending some precious me-time.
Temper Your Expectations
Sometimes, feelings of unhappiness, disappointment and frustration are brought about by things not living up to expectations. Though there are things in your life that you can't control such as other people's behavior and actions-you can undoubtedly manage your expectations. If you can make your expectations align with reality, there will be less room for disappointment in your life.
When you find yourself feeling negative about certain people or situations, keep these in mind:
- Check your expectations and confirm if they are the source of your negative thoughts and emotions. If so, try to adjust your expectations accordingly.
- If a co-worker is frustrating you, perhaps he or she is simply unaware of it. Asking and being specific about what you want from your co-workers, and you're more likely to get it.
On the one hand, what does it matter if other people fail to meet your expectations? You alone are responsible for your own happiness, after all.
Get Comfortable Outside of Your Comfort Zone
Comfort is one of the biggest pursuits in life. It can be an excellent source of relief when everything goes according to plan. But although comfort is ideal, too much of it can do more harm than good. You could potentially become overly complacent, and complacency is the greatest enemy of courage and achievement. It may be difficult, but you need to step outside of your comfort zone from time to time. Learn to get comfortable being uncomfortable. You may feel fear, but you'll also feel the excitement and anticipation of experiencing something entirely new. You'll feel more alive than before, and that can be extremely beneficial to your being.
As modern workplaces become increasingly stressful, you can certainly use a little resilience in your life. Use your experiences as learning opportunities to grow not only as a woman but also as an individual.