Life doesn’t always turn out the way we want to, and while people would naturally gravitate to their passions if given a chance, not everyone is lucky to succeed in such an endeavor, much less earn a decent living from it. And so many of us turn our backs on our passions, settling instead for a job that we don’t like, simply because it pays the bills.
But trudging on head down with a job that doesn’t inspire you can have its consequences—mentally, emotionally, physically, you could find yourself drained and feeling like a zombie. If you don’t like your job right now, you need to do something to remedy your situation, because you simply can’t live that way. Your health, wellbeing, and sanity depend on it.
So what’s the answer to your problem, you ask? Sure, you could always quit and find another job that suits you, but that’s not going to be easy. After all, the reason you’re stuck in your current job is because you couldn’t find anything better, right?
What about trying to love the job you don’t like?
Though you may balk at the notion at first, loving your work is not impossible, and it’s all a matter of changing your perspective.
When you love your job, it doesn’t feel like you’re working at all, because you’re too busy enjoying what you do. What if you could channel that joy from something you love into your current job? If you can believe that this is possible, there are steps that you can try to turn your job into one that you can at least tolerate. Who knows, with a renewed outlook, you may even learn to love it in time.
Adopt a healthy lifestyle
If you’re not used to a healthy lifestyle, it can be a challenge at first, but it’s a vital first step. A healthy lifestyle puts you in a good place mentally and physically, making you a calmer and more rational person who’s more at ease with life. Healthy habits include stocking up on healthy foods, exercising, and getting seven to eight hours of shut-eye. It also helps if you can put in some meditation time daily. Keep at a healthy lifestyle until it becomes a habit.
List down specific aspects of your job that you want to improve
You can’t solve a problem if you don’t know what it is. More likely than not, it’s not the job per se that’s causing you to feel negatively about it, but certain aspects of it. Take a step back and look at your role from an objective point of view. Start listing down everything about your job that you don’t like, and be specific about them. Is it your manager? A co-worker? Specific tasks and responsibilities? When you know who or what exactly the problem is, you’ll be able to think clearly about your next steps moving forward.
Appreciate the details
Now that you’ve identified the issues, this time, do the opposite and find things in your job to appreciate. For one thing, the pay must be right for you to keep at it. Hopefully, your salary is not the only factor that’s compelling you to stay. Think about your contributions to the workplace, your time with co-workers, the work-life balance it affords, or maybe the valuable skills and experience that you learn from the job. Even if your job isn’t perfect, it’s still something to be thankful for.
Talk to your boss about your issues
Assuming your bosses are not the cause of your workplace woes, it can be helpful to your plight to involve them and let them know about the problems you’re going through. It helps to know that you have someone who has your back when work starts to get you down. Talk to your bosses about setting work goals that will motivate you and give you the drive to excel at your job. They may even acknowledge your initiative, and you will benefit from the experience career-wise.
Pursue your passions outside of work
When your passions lie elsewhere, it can be a huge factor why you find it hard to enjoy your work. Still, a passion is a passion, and though it can’t be your primary source of income at the moment, there’s no reason you can’t do it on the side. Wherever your passions lie, try to find time for it after work or during your days off. Discuss with your bosses and loved ones if need be, so you can make sure that things you love to pursue don’t interfere with your responsibilities at work and in life. Who knows? Your passion could someday turn into a fruitful and fulfilling career.
Realize that you are more than your work
Don’t reduce yourself to the job that you do. Stop thinking that your career travels through a narrow, preset path because such expectations can hinder you from finding qualities to enjoy in your job. Likewise, you also owe it to yourself to give the job your best—your respect for yourself dictates it. When you have self-respect, dedication to your work comes naturally. At the end of the day, when you look at what you’ve accomplished, you’ll feel a sense of pride in yourself, instead of being bitter and resentful. Consequently, your dedication will likely make others take notice, and new and better job opportunities could soon fall upon your lap.
Hold on to the ‘why’
Probably the most important reason for you to find a way to love your work is to always keep in mind why you do it in the first place. Society dictates that we must earn money to survive, so always remember your ‘why.’ This could be your family’s future, your child’s education, your first home. Every day before going to work, think of what you’re working for. Compared to your hopes and aspirations, your issues with your boss, your co-workers, your tasks, and the company, may matter very little in the overall scheme of things.
Or maybe your job is just not the right fit?
You can try every tip in the world, but if you still can’t find a reason to enjoy your job, it may be time to quit. Who knows? Your dream career may already be waiting for you. Let Resumeble sharpen your resume for that application that could finally put you out there and helps you carve out a career to your liking. Send us your resume today for a free evaluation.