How To Write a Powerful Resume Summary With 10 Examples

iting a powerful resume summary is essential to your job search success. It’s your chance to pitch yourself professionally to the recruiter. There’s just one, small catch: You only have a few lines to play with. Put simply, you need to choose your words with the utmost care.

Getting this statement right could boost your odds of landing an interview. However, unless you’re a natural wordsmith, you might find it tricky to get started. Luckily, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we cover what you need to know about writing a compelling and memorable resume summary from scratch. Plus, we will also share resume summary examples.

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What is a resume summary?

First things first, let’s talk about what a resume summary is. This is a brief statement located near the top of your professional resume. It’s typically around two to four sentences long.

Much like an elevator pitch, this is a quick introduction to you as a professional. It gives the hiring manager a teaser of what they can expect and why they should care about your resume.

Your resume summary should highlight what makes you a unique candidate. Rather than simply regurgitating information from the rest of your resume, it should bring something new to the table. For that reason, you must craft a powerful and impressive statement.

What should a resume summary include?

Before you put pen to paper, it’s helpful to know what your resume summary should include. Recruiters spend just seven seconds reviewing each application that comes their way. You don’t have long to make a lasting impression on them. To make sure that your summary grabs their attention (and keeps it), you should include the folowing:

Your unique selling proposition (USP). What sets you apart from the competition? What can you offer that other candidates cannot? Consider what your USP is and include it toward the start of your resume summary.

Powerful language. The phrasing you use matters more than you might expect. When writing your resume summary, choose the most compelling words. For example, using action verbs conveys that you are an active and powerful professional.

Major achievements. What is your biggest achievement to date? Now is the time to shout about it. Start by making a short list of your most notable milestones. Including some of these career accomplishments is always a wise move.

Big names and awards. Don’t be afraid to name-drop. You’re trying to grab the hiring manager’s attention, after all. So, if you have worked for a well-known business or won an industry award, you should include this in your resume summary.

You don’t have to include all of the above in your summary. However, you should take some inspiration from these points. Since summaries are short and sweet, you’re going to need to make some hard decisions about what you should feature in this statement.

Above all else, each part of your resume summary should add value to your application. Think about what nuggets of information will appeal to the recruiter and highlight them in this section. It may be helpful to draft a long summary and then edit it back, taking out less impactful parts.

10 resume summary examples (and why they work)

Looking for some inspiration? To help you along the way, we have put together a selection of 10 powerful resume summary examples for various professions. Check them out here.


1. Teacher resume summary example

Student-focused high school English teacher with 5 years of academic experience. Highly organized and proficient in high-level classroom management. Adept at tailoring syllabi to meet the various learning needs of pupils while adhering to strict grading practices.

2. HR resume summary example

Results-oriented HR professional with 10+ years of experience in talent acquisition and employee well-being practices. SHRM-certified professional, confident in implementing effective recruitment processes, and fostering diversity and inclusion. Dedicated to successfully navigating complex employee issues while equally ensuring compliance with labor laws.

web developer

3. Web developer resume summary example

Innovative web developer with 6 years of experience working in creative tech startups. Proficient in utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue.js. Boasts an in-depth understanding of high-level database management using MongoDB. Passionate about creating technological solutions to the modern-day problems society faces.

4. Writer resume summary example

Creative writer and editor with 10 years of industry experience, published in the New York Times, the Guardian, and Forbes Magazine. Proficient in crafting original, SEO-optimized content for a wide variety of mediums including blogs, guides, and publications. Highly organized and focused on adhering to tight deadlines while collaborating with editorial teams.

5. Accountant resume summary example

Analytical and detail-driven Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with 7 years of experience overseeing FTSE 100 business finances. Expert in streamlining financial reporting, tax preparation, and audit management. Proficient in using accountancy software including QuickBooks, SAP, and Excel while also adhering to regulatory standards.

6. Counselor resume summary example

Empathetic licensed counselor specializing in family and marriage therapy. Boasting a 99.8% client satisfaction rating and 27% customer referral average. Delivers an all-round holistic approach to modern therapy based on the foundations of CBT, DBT, and mindfulness.

7. Admin resume summary example

Efficient and business-oriented admin assistant with 2 years of office experience. Confident in utilizing project management tools, email and phone correspondence, and working on Microsoft Office Suite and Google Workspace. Excellent communicator with a passion for organization and time management while striving to build strong working relationships with colleagues.

8. Sales resume summary example

Results-driven sales professional with 7+ years of experience in consumer technology. Proven track record of success, including a 15% customer retention rating and a history of exceeding company targets quarter-on-quarter. Excellent communicator interested in establishing meaningful customer relationships while striving to solve their problems.


9. Pharmacist resume summary example

Licensed pharmacist with 8 years of experience in medication management and pharmaceutical care. Accomplished in compliance with regulatory standards while overseeing long-term medication therapies. Committed to continuously supporting the needs of patients while offering an empathetic perspective and clearly communicating therapy processes.

10. Nurse resume summary example

Compassionate registered nurse with 12 years of experience in providing exceptional patient care in diverse healthcare settings, including hospitals and clinics. Specializing in critical care, emergency nursing, and surgical nursing. Advocates for patient education and support while simultaneously improving patient outcomes and enhancing overall experience.

Expert tips on writing a powerful resume summary

Now that you’ve taken a look at our resume summary examples, it’s time to start working on yours. However, before you dive in, there are some additional tips that you should keep in mind.

Writing a resume summary that captures the imagination of a recruiter is an art form. It’s not simply about filling the space on the page. You need to be strategic and hit the nail on the head. Follow the tips we outline below to ensure you win over even the most discerning recruiters.

1. Optimize your summary for the ATS

The vast majority of recruiters now use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). The software sorts through thousands of incoming resumes to determine which are the top applications. It does this predominantly by searching for specific keywords and phrases in the body of the document.

If you want to get past the system, you need to optimize your resume. While you can do this for all sections of your resume, we will simply focus on your summary here. Including the right words in this part of your application could help you to rank well in the ATS software.

To find the keywords you should include, return to the original job posting. Look for any job-specific words that the recruiter has used within this advert. Chances are, these are the same phrases that they have programmed into the ATS software. By including the exact same words – rather than any synonyms – in your resume summary, you will boost your chances.

2. Exclude any “I” statements

Traditionally, when you are writing about yourself, you would start sentences with “I,” “I am,” or “I have”. However, you should exclude these openers when writing your professional resume summary. These words only waste space without adding any value to your statement.

Since you don’t have a lot of words to play with, you need to be as selective as possible. Rather than saying “I am a registered nurse,” get straight to the point and say “Registered nurse”. While it feels weird writing about yourself in the third person, it is the best way to get your point across.

3. Read your summary aloud

When you’ve written your first draft, it may be handy to read your resume summary aloud. This approach allows you to hear the statement as the recruiter will read it. It’s not just about cramming the summary with a bunch of buzzwords. You need to make sure that it flows well.

If any of the sentences sound clunky or are difficult to read, that is a sign that you need to edit them. Keep tweaking your summary until you get it to sound smooth. By doing this, you can make sure that when the recruiter reads it in their head, it gets the job done perfectly.

4. Include measurable accomplishments

Your resume summary is no place to be vague. One quick way to get the recruiter’s attention is to include measurable accomplishments in this statement. In layperson terms, that means sliding in some meaningful numbers and statistics where it makes logical sense.

Start by specifying how long you’ve worked in the industry. This is a baseline fact that you want to position front and center. However, it doesn’t have to end there. You can also add in some statistics, such as your sales retention average or how much you boosted office efficiency by each quarter. This adds evidence to the claims you make about your expertise.

5. Always customize your summary

Using a one-size-fits-all approach won’t cut it. Whenever you are applying for a new job, be sure to tailor your resume summary to meet the criteria of that role. This approach allows you to position yourself as the ideal candidate in the eyes of the recruiter.

Start by reviewing the job advert once again. Go through the criteria that the recruiter has specified and see which boxes you tick. You might want to make a list of the main things that the company is looking for in a candidate. Once you’ve done that, you can use this information to your advantage by including references to it within your resume summary.

6. Finally, proofread your summary

When you have written your resume summary, you may be tempted to click “save” and send it off. However, there’s one final thing that you need to do, and that is to proofread it. Don’t overlook this step or you could end up harming your chances of job-search success.

Since recruiters receive a colossal amount of resumes, they will be looking for any reason to reject yours. Silly spelling mistakes or grammatical errors could let you down here. Even the most minor of problems can stick out like a sore thumb. Take the time to check your resume thoroughly and make sure that there are no issues, which you can easily solve.


Perfecting your resume summary could be the key to landing your next interview. While this is a freeform part of your application, you shouldn’t allow it to intimidate you. Say goodbye to writer’s block. Follow the tips outlined in this guide and use the examples for inspiration. Mastering this art will help you to create a resume that turns heads.

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  • 7 seconds: this is how long your resume has either to impress or be ignored by the recruiter
  • 300+: average number of applications one corporate job opening posted online receives
  • 3%: number of sent resumes that result in interviews

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