​Quitters Are Not Always Losers - 13 Reasons to Quit Your Job Now

No matter what your situation is, going jobless can be a scary prospect. That’s why many people refuse to quit their 9-to-5 no matter how much they want to. You already know the ...
12 Apr 2018 | 5 min read
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No matter what your situation is, going jobless can be a scary prospect. That’s why many people refuse to quit their 9-to-5 no matter how much they want to. You already know the work, the people, the place, inside-out, and losing something that you’re very much familiar with can be a difficult time indeed. Plus, it’s such a chore to go job-hunting again.

Despite the negatives, there are some truly weighty reasons to move on from your current job to another one. Below, we provide you thirteen perfectly good reasons to serve your two weeks’ notice.

Evaluating Your Career Path: Is It Time for a Change?

1. The job is making you sick

Sometimes, your body will start telling you that your job is no longer good for you. Your head starts aching constantly, your stomach churns, you feel too lazy to get out of bed—your body knows what you need, and it’s telling you that you need to quit. It’s in your best interest to pay attention to it. Make sure you still have an active health insurance coverage when you leave, though. Contact your company’s benefits administrator to confirm your last date of coverage.

2. It’s stifling you

Greatness is always the goal, not mediocrity. However, your job has you doing the same boring routine every day, and it’s sucking out your zest for life. You want to be rejuvenated, refreshed, reborn. But without challenges and opportunities to excel, mediocrity is probably the most you can hope for if you stay, and that is something you should never strive for.

3. You can no longer stand your boss

As the saying goes, ‘People don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad bosses.’ If your relationship with your boss is fragile and tense, it will be close to impossible for you to enjoy your job. Of course, you must first try everything in your power to make it work. If a harmonious working relationship is truly out of reach, then it’s time to leave. On the other hand, if you love working for the company and your boss is the only obstacle to your contentment and success, perhaps a transfer to a different workgroup or department is possible.

4. The work environment is toxic

Aside from bosses, co-workers and a negative company culture can make your job difficult. In fact, it can make your workplace a hellish place to be. There’s no changing a negative office environment, so you might as well make the decision to leave as soon as you can.

5. Difficult schedules and work hours

They changed your work schedule and you are unable to adjust. If they won’t let you return to your old hours, you may need to quit your job and look for one that accommodates your personal schedule. Scheduling issues at work can affect your health, mind, and relationships, so it’s a legitimate reason to quit your job.

6. You are underappreciated

Feeling appreciated is a great human need. When this doesn’t happen, you start to question your capacities. That’s why if you’re giving your best effort, your company needs to reciprocate and give you your due recognition. You deserve to receive gratitude for your contribution to the company, but if they continue to overlook you, it’s time to pack your bags and head for pastures where you’ll be better appreciated—and compensated.

7. You need to move to a new location

Moving to a completely different place means you have to leave your job behind—unless the company has a branch, office, or subsidiary at the new location and you’re allowed to work there. If you want to keep your job when you move, ask about relocation or work-from-home options.

8. You’re going back to school

Attending school again, whether on a part-time or a full-time basis, can mean you can no longer meet the required hours at work. Given the personal time that your classes are likely going to demand from you, your current employment may no longer fit into your schedule, and you’ll need to change jobs, if not go out of work altogether.

9. You can’t leave a damaged reputation behind

Bad things happen at work, and some things can affect your reputation in ways that take years to repair. If you’re in a position where everyone treats you differently than anyone else, it may be time for you to leave and get a fresh start at another job.

10. The job doesn’t excite you anymore

Spending eight hours or longer every single day at a job that doesn’t give you fulfillment is a mistake. Life is short and precious, so if you’re feeling ‘meh’ working in your company, that’s a sign it’s time for you to move on.

11. It’s a dead-end job

Sometimes, there’s just no path for growth in sight. Perhaps it’s a small company with no plans of expanding. Or maybe there’s someone above you who’s never going to leave. Regardless of the reason, you don’t see yourself going anywhere. If this is the case, then you might have to look elsewhere for the growth that you seek.

12. Another job beckons

You’ve longed to do something different, and you don’t want to deal with the stress of your current job any longer. If you can’t stop thinking about another industry, job, or passion, go for it. Following your heart’s desire can turn out to be a smart career move, or it may not. Either way, you’ll never know until you try.

13. You feel it in your heart

Change is inevitable in life, and sometimes, you just feel it inside you that it’s time to move on. If your heart is telling you to quit, listen to it.

Of course, you should always account for your circumstances before sending that resignation letter, especially if you have family members depending on you. To minimize the risks, it may help to apply and confirm a job offer before letting go of your current one. Plan your departure strategically so you’re leaving on your terms and you’re not pressured to find another job as soon as possible.