Top 20 Email Subject Lines for Submitting Your Resume Effectively

Having a stellar resume is crucial for landing that callback, but even the most impressive resume won’t do you any good if no one opens the email to read it in the first place. The subject line of your email plays a pivotal role in whether it gets opened or ignored.
03 Sep 2024 | 10 min read
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Top 20 Email Subject Lines for Submitting Your Resume Effectively

Nowadays, it's rare to print a resume and send it via snail mail — you either upload it to an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) or send it directly to a hiring manager or recruiter in an email. However, the last thing anyone wants is for the message containing your resume to stay unopened in an inbox or, worse, be marked as spam or deleted. This is where crafting a clear and compelling subject line helps.

The Importance of a Resume Email Subject Line

Imagine this: Your inbox is filled with hundreds of emails every day, and you’re trying to figure out which ones are worth your time. You need some indication that an email isn’t spam, an advertisement, or a generic message sent out by some brand before you decide to open it and read what’s inside.

Recruiters and hiring managers operate the same way. They’re often juggling many tasks with limited time, so they must be selective about which emails they open. That’s why having a compelling subject line is so important — it’s your chance to cut through the noise and grab their attention. Utilizing professional resume writing services or some of the best resume builders can ensure that both your resume and your email subject line are optimized to make a strong first impression.

What to Write in the Email Subject Line When Sending a Resume

20 examples of subject for sending resume

Think of your email subject line for sending a resume like the title of an article or a book. You have to make an effort to make your title catchy and compelling to encourage your reader to read the rest of your text. Otherwise, you risk your email resume getting sent to the trash bin or, worse, marked as spam. As for what to mention in the subject while sending a resume, here are four of the most important tips for making your email subject for sending a resume to HR as effective as can be.

1. Make It Obvious You’re Applying for Work

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is not clearly stating your intention to apply for a job. Failing to do so can end up confusing and even infuriating recruiters and hiring managers, especially if your email subject line is shoddily written and the messaging vague. Here are some solid examples of how to be direct-to-the-point with your email subject line when sending your resume.

  • Resume, John Doe, Applying for Sales Position, Miami
  • Job Application, Jane Smith, Applying for IT Specialist, Salt Lake City

2. Your Qualifications

If the job listing has very specific requirements, such as knowledge of specific computer languages or a master’s degree, it can help to use these qualifications in your subject line. Check out these examples:

  • Experienced Content Writer – Over 100 Real Estate Articles Written
  • Forklift Driver with 2 Years’ Experience Applying for Vacant Position

3. If Referred, Include the Referring Person’s Name

If someone from the company referred you, include that person’s name in your subject line for the job application. By adding your referrer’s name, you can make your email stand out, especially if it’s someone who is in good standing with the company. In this case, you are already making a good impression before the recipient looks at your resume.

  • Referral from Steve Smith: Joe Johnson, Resume for SEO Specialist Position
  • Referral from Mary Winston: George Abrams, Resume for Senior Marketing Position

4. Formal Words and Phrases

Never use informal words or phrases that you would use in casual conversations with your friends — even if the recipient is someone you personally know. Some examples of terms not to use include “Hi,” “Howdy.” or “What’s up?” Practice professionalism at all times in your correspondence when applying for work. Likewise, avoid using abbreviations or shortened terms unless that’s how they were used in the job listing or submission instructions.

Email Subject Line Good Practices

More than using the right words and terms, it also helps to consider some good practices when writing your email subject for sending a resume.

1. Keep It Short

Recruiters and hiring managers reportedly take only six seconds to skim a resume. How much time do you think they’ll spend on your subject line? Grab their attention immediately by keeping your email subject line concise and direct to the point. Use too many characters, and your subject line can get cut off abruptly, especially on smart devices and mobile phones. You risk losing your recipient’s interest this way.

Limiting your email subject line to 80 characters or less is highly recommended. That should be enough to let your reader know that you’re applying for a job. If you have a lengthy name, there’s no need to write it entirely — including only your first and last name in your email subject line will suffice.

  • Job Application, Tony Parks for Accountant Position, Dallas, TX
  • Resume, Norman Brown for Coaching Staff, Pembroke, NC

2. Review and Review Again

Due to the limited space available, any typographical or grammatical error in your email subject line will be immediately obvious. These errors leave a negative impression on any reader, telling them that you can’t be bothered to check your work. For your application’s sake, proofread your subject line and the rest of your resume before sending it out. By ensuring your subject line is free of spelling or grammatical errors, you preserve your credibility in the eyes of the recruiter or hiring manager reading it.

In addition, make sure you’re sending your email resume to the right person—you certainly don’t want the hiring manager to find another supposed recipient of your email resume.

3. Keywords, Keywords, Keywords

Most of the resume applicant screenings done by companies today rely heavily on keywords. Many modern recruiters use filters to separate job applicants from the rest of their emails. Hence, you must make your email subject line ‘filter-friendly’ by incorporating keywords relevant to the job position.

Phrases like ‘job applicant’ or ‘job candidate’ — along with the position you’re applying for — will make your subject line stand out from those coming from other candidates. Here are some examples of subject lines you can use when sending a resume:

• Job Applicant – Roger Meeks – Communications Assistant

• Job Candidate – Nigel Tufnel – Available Immediately

• Applicant for Vacant Manufacturing Position – Bob Menkin

• Applying for Telemarketing Job – Leo Gibson

4. Use Variations of Traditional Email Subject Lines

Although the standard mail subject for sending a resume (consisting of simply the job title and your name) won’t do any harm, it can help to deviate from the norm if you truly want to catch a recruiter’s attention. Some of the smart variations to the traditional email subject line include:

a. Accomplishments

You can use your most important credentials and experience to get straight to the point with your email subject line. Here’s a format that works: [Your credentials] with over X years of experience. Below are some examples of this subject line variation:

• Job Applicant—Hotel Manager with 20 Years of Experience

• Resume: Savvy HR Manager Looking for Next Role - 10 Years Experience

• Job Candidate—5-Year Sales Rep with Knack for Exceeding Targets

• Resume: Master Plumber Applying for Vacant Position

b. Acronyms

Attaching acronyms related to academics, job titles, and affiliations after your name in your subject line offers a unique opportunity to capture a recruiter’s attention and immediately distinguish yourself from the competition. Here are some examples:

• Job application – William Tan, RN EMT, WSI

• Resume – Samantha Patton – Network Engineer, MBA, FSNE

• Job applicant – Jim Barnes, CPA

• Resume – Rick Rhodes - Film Producer, PGA

c. Gratitude

Beginning your email with ‘Thanks’ or ‘Thank You’ is a great way to immediately establish good rapport with the recruiter reading your email subject line. A little gratitude goes a long way and can be especially helpful if you’ve been in contact with the recruiter before. Here are some examples of how to begin a subject line with gratitude:

• Thank You – Len Fields, Marketing Applicant

• Thank You – Warehouse Manager

• Thank You for Your Time – Liam Hinds, Job Interviewee

• Thanks – Mike Epps – Job Applicant, Graphic Artist

d. Maximum Characters

Though it’s ideal to keep the number of characters of your email subject line at a minimum, there are times when an expanded email subject line can work, especially if you choose your words wisely. For instance:

• Senior Accountant Position –Worked 5 Years at A&L Law Firm with Background in AML and Compliance

• Public Health Associate Seeking New Opportunity – Jared Shears – MPH

• Job Interview Request – 7 Years Marketing Director – Ivor Dempsey

• IT Applicant Looking to Help – In-Depth Training and Knowledge in Internet Security

5. Use a Professional Email Address

Returning to the topic of professionalism, you simply can’t have an email address that doesn’t make you appear like a responsible and mature adult. So that email with your funny nickname simply won’t cut it—that is if you want recruiters to take you seriously.

As a starting point, your email should have both your first and last name. Having a few non-alphabetical characters in your email address is fine if you limit them to four or five. Adding your profession to your email address can make your name stand out more (for example,

When including numbers, try to avoid those that reveal your age (birth year) or location (zip code) because these can be used to discriminate, whether intentionally or unintentionally. And don’t hesitate to make an entirely new email from scratch if you have to. Emails are fairly easy to create — you can even make one specifically for job application purposes.

6. Follow Directions (If There Are Any)

When applying for certain positions, you might find a note at the end of the job description asking you to send your resume and other materials to a specific email address. For example, it could say something like, “Submit your resume, cover letter, and portfolio to Subject line: Senior Account Manager #264281.”

In these scenarios, it's really important to use the exact subject line they provide. They might have filters set up to sort incoming emails properly, ensuring they reach the right person or folder. If you want your resume to get where it needs to go and make a good impression, you need to follow the instructions to the letter. This is often the first chance for the recruiter or hiring manager to see how well you follow directions, so make it count by getting it right from the start.

20 Additional Well-Written Email Subject Lines to Use When Sending a Resume

Here are 20 different email subject lines. Feel free to draw inspiration from them. Notice how they are written concisely and directly to the point.

top 20 subject for sending resume infographic

Work With Resumeble for Your Resume

When sending a resume in an email, your subject line is just one of the many elements to help you get one foot in the door. Make sure your resume is just as robust by having one of our experienced resume writers work with you to develop your application document.

More than just simply writing resumes for our clients, we at Resumeble take it one step further by providing an interview guarantee — we can ensure that you receive an interview call within 60 days of finalizing your resume. Other job-hunting services we offer include cover letter writing, CV writing, and LinkedIn profile writing. With our personalized approach, you won't need to rely on a generic email template for sending your resume or CV, helping you stand out from the competition. Upload your current resume for a free review, and let’s start working on giving your career the great start that it deserves.